In Memory of Pimptiva...

For years Simon Heintzelman has brought us delight in what was Pimptiva.

Pimptiva’s concept has spanned 3 cars and has seen many hours of blood, sweat, tears and encouragement from Simon, his family, his bodyshop guys, and of course the crowd here at FF.Com.

Those days are gone but Pimptiva’s sprit lives on in all of the parts scattered across the nation. FF.Com member’s quickly snapped up its removable parts and it now awaits its next arising with a new owner.

Pimptiva will be remembered as the high standard in which any truly pimped out Festiva should strive for.

From it’s custom hinged taillight gas filler door, to it’s canvas funtop.. This was one of the cars that made people look at Festivas in a totally different light. From “No way I’d drive a crappy little Festiva” to “Wow! I didn’t think a Festiva could ever look cool”, in a single sighting.

Hat’s off to Simon for all the effort put into Pimptiva and FF.Com…

(Click on the photo for Pimptiva.Com.)