Found some reasonable speakers at PnP the other day... they're out of a Lincoln of some sort. They are Ford/JBL 6x9 three way. I cut a new cargo cover out of 1/2" plywood, covered it with gray fleece that I picked up for $1 then braced the plywood with a 1x3. I decided not to hinge it for now and see how inconvenient it is. If I have to pull it out to carry anything big I just unplug the 6x9's and plug the 4"'s back in. Heres a couple of photos....

I know..the back seat could use some cleaning

The sound is much better now
I noticed that some of the newer Sables have some kind of sub mounted in the middle of the rear package shelf. Someone beat me to one the other day but I'm keeping my eyes open.
Thanks for looking!

I know..the back seat could use some cleaning

The sound is much better now

I noticed that some of the newer Sables have some kind of sub mounted in the middle of the rear package shelf. Someone beat me to one the other day but I'm keeping my eyes open.
Thanks for looking!