Just thought I'd share this with anybody else out there with Sirius/XM.
We got radio wired directly into the car rather than using the cig lighter which means we no longer get interference from other users. We got the radio wired up behind the dash with everything coming up through the little removable access piece.
With a little bit of drilling and sanding we ended up with a much cleaner looking setup than having a big suction cup on the windshield. Almost looks like it was made for it.
We got radio wired directly into the car rather than using the cig lighter which means we no longer get interference from other users. We got the radio wired up behind the dash with everything coming up through the little removable access piece.
With a little bit of drilling and sanding we ended up with a much cleaner looking setup than having a big suction cup on the windshield. Almost looks like it was made for it.