There is a radio up for bid on ebay (Item number: 380100673208 ) with a part number of: F0BF-19B132-AA the item desc. states the radio fits a - 1990 1991 1992 FORD ASPIRE.
I am looking to replace the radio in my Festiva. Does anyone know if if the radio described above is a valid part number for and will work in a Festiva ? Looking at the picture of the back of the radio looks like there are four plugs. I havent pulled my Festy radio out lately. but i think they always have three plugs. Appreciate any insight. Thanks.
There is a radio up for bid on ebay (Item number: 380100673208 ) with a part number of: F0BF-19B132-AA the item desc. states the radio fits a - 1990 1991 1992 FORD ASPIRE.
I am looking to replace the radio in my Festiva. Does anyone know if if the radio described above is a valid part number for and will work in a Festiva ? Looking at the picture of the back of the radio looks like there are four plugs. I havent pulled my Festy radio out lately. but i think they always have three plugs. Appreciate any insight. Thanks.