The next time you are in Home Depot,Lowe's,or another building supply store,look for pipe flashings.They are intended to go over vents on house roofs to keep water from leaking around pipes.You want the plastic ones,not the aluminum.The ones I found are manufactured by Oatey.They have a flat base(approx.12"x10") with an oval hole that slopes up at an angle to form a circle.If you cut out the rubber "weatherstrip" from the center it leaves a 1/2" ridge that you can mount 5.25" or 6.5" speakers in.If you find them you will see that there are many ways they could be used. The ones I use are called 2" Thermo Roof Flashings.They are around $8 each.Will post pics soon.
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"Custom"Speaker Enclosures-CHEAP!!!