looking to turbo the b3. can it be done? will it have to be changed to fuel injection and if so how? is it worth the effort
any other advise is more than welcome
Any car can be turboed, not trying to be a jerk but if you didn't know that then it probably wouldn't be a smart idea to be making a turbo car at this point in time. I would research how things work and what does what before jumping right in so you know how to properly care and tend to your investment if you then decide to go through with it.
In addition, Anything (mostly) can be done with a little know how and the funds to help it become reality.
I agree with DuritzCrows17, just do a little homework, talk to a few mechanics and read up on performance books. That should get you started anyway.
dollar for dollar though a motor swap would be faster, and more than likely more cost effective.
i think in all reality a b6t swap would be easier than making a custom turbo system.
1992 Festiva... BP-T, Escort G5MR, no crossmember, aspire brakes, Megasquirt, Toyota COP's, coilovers and 6 puck SPEC clutch!
T3/T4 Turbo Power! G5MR and BP since '04!
looking to turbo the b3. can it be done? will it have to be changed to fuel injection and if so how? is it worth the effort
any other advise is more than welcome
you can blow thru a carb, but you need a pressure box, and then try to tune the carb to do more fuel when needed.
Go with FI. Carbs are a PITA with the hot boost from a turbo.
Since you got to do that FI mod, might as well drop in a B6 with
all those goodies, and then decide if you want to go to the next
step and fab up the B6 to a B6T
the real problem is the lack of info on this site about the b3s. like, what is the injector sizes and how much boost can it take. all you guys talk about is swaps, and noone seems to know about the b3s, and if so, they dont answer anyone's questions. oh well....
i'll tell you my plan:
t25 turbo off of a 2g dsm
remote mount the turbo on a j pipe off the manifold
stock injectors with 12:1 afr fmu
open dp
maf before the turbo
mazda millenia s intercooler
maybe homemade water injection if i feel like it
all homemade charge pipes
1g bov
random oil lines, maybe stealthmode.
home depot boost controller w/ boost set at 6lbs
home depot couplers
thats about all i can think about. i should get started as soon as it warms up so if you have any questions pm me.
main reason nobody talks about b3's is because its not cost effective...
for the cost of all the parts you listed above, you can buy a b6t and swap it in and have reliability of a factory system versus a homebuilt.
plus its a larger displacement and a twin cam head. better engine in general and can be had cheap. plenty of people on here know about the b3's which is why we generally DONT talk about them in terms of performance.
for what it would cost to do a turbo setup on a B3 i can home make mounts and get a 1.8L DOHC swap with more power and reliability for half the cost.
i mean if thats what you want to do sure, but from a standpoint of effectiveness and cost (which 99% of festiva owners put as a #1 priority) its faster, easier, and cheaper to swap.
for the cost of the FMS header for the b3 alone i can find a used decent milage BP, for the cost of cams i could get the harness and ecu, for the cost of headwork i could get a tranny and maybe axles even... so on so forth.
not to mention the B3's just simply not a built for boost motor. its an efficient motor but not a power maker. add more valves though like the JDM dohc head and it would be a WAY different story.
1992 Festiva... BP-T, Escort G5MR, no crossmember, aspire brakes, Megasquirt, Toyota COP's, coilovers and 6 puck SPEC clutch!
T3/T4 Turbo Power! G5MR and BP since '04!
the real problem is the lack of info on this site about the b3s. like, what is the injector sizes and how much boost can it take. all you guys talk about is swaps, and noone seems to know about the b3s, and if so, they dont answer anyone's questions. oh well....
i'll tell you my plan:
t25 turbo off of a 2g dsm
remote mount the turbo on a j pipe off the manifold
stock injectors with 12:1 afr fmu
open dp
maf before the turbo
mazda millenia s intercooler
maybe homemade water injection if i feel like it
all homemade charge pipes
1g bov
random oil lines, maybe stealthmode.
home depot boost controller w/ boost set at 6lbs
home depot couplers
thats about all i can think about. i should get started as soon as it warms up so if you have any questions pm me.
We just look at it as hp per $$.. There is no sense in building the B3 when even with the wildest claims of 160hp, they are pretty much the end of what you could do with it. Let alone the $$ it would cost to get it there.
There's only so much you can do with a single bump stick..
There's someone on here who's been making wild claims of rediculous horsepower from a B3 but he's pretty clueless as to what he's talking about, and has offered no evidence (no pics) of it. The fact is high performance and B3 don't really go in the same sentence. B3's have way too many shortcomings to be made into a strong performer.
Yes, you can up its output, but it's only worth it if you have the parts laying around and have access to a lot of fabrication equipment. Or you have some extra money to burn and you want to do it for the sake of doing it.
main reason nobody talks about b3's is because its not cost effective...
for the cost of all the parts you listed above, you can buy a b6t and swap it in and have reliability of a factory system versus a homebuilt.
plus its a larger displacement and a twin cam head. better engine in general and can be had cheap. plenty of people on here know about the b3's which is why we generally DONT talk about them in terms of performance.
for what it would cost to do a turbo setup on a B3 i can home make mounts and get a 1.8L DOHC swap with more power and reliability for half the cost.
i mean if thats what you want to do sure, but from a standpoint of effectiveness and cost (which 99% of festiva owners put as a #1 priority) its faster, easier, and cheaper to swap.
for the cost of the FMS header for the b3 alone i can find a used decent milage BP, for the cost of cams i could get the harness and ecu, for the cost of headwork i could get a tranny and maybe axles even... so on so forth.
not to mention the B3's just simply not a built for boost motor. its an efficient motor but not a power maker. add more valves though like the JDM dohc head and it would be a WAY different story.
add more valves though like the JDM dohc head and it would be a WAY different story.
This is the only way I could see a B3 make 200+ hp.
oh man if i could get my hands a a b3 twin cam head i would go wild with it! honestly i think the biggest problem with the b3 making better power numbers is the head. if you built a block with good internals and could top it off with a b3-DE head, turbo to perfection i bet you could get a great lightweight screamer!
1992 Festiva... BP-T, Escort G5MR, no crossmember, aspire brakes, Megasquirt, Toyota COP's, coilovers and 6 puck SPEC clutch!
T3/T4 Turbo Power! G5MR and BP since '04!