So I'm going to spend tomorrow taking care of all the little bits of surface rust on the car. They're not too big but I've noticed them get a little worse seeing as the car hasn't been dry much in the last few months. (constant rain)
Most spots will be easy enough to deal with but there's one underneath the back window rubber on the hatch. Is there any easy was to deal with it short of taking the window out?
And does anybody have any suggestions at making the job go easier and blending the paint better? The cars white and not faded much but I'd like to have it as seamless as possible.
I'll just be sanding, spraying primer, paint, sand, paint, sand, paint, sand, and then try and cut polish to blend it in.
Most spots will be easy enough to deal with but there's one underneath the back window rubber on the hatch. Is there any easy was to deal with it short of taking the window out?
And does anybody have any suggestions at making the job go easier and blending the paint better? The cars white and not faded much but I'd like to have it as seamless as possible.
I'll just be sanding, spraying primer, paint, sand, paint, sand, paint, sand, and then try and cut polish to blend it in.