Well I've gone further in rebuilding the front end - finally got the fenders, lights, and bumper back on
First some mods to the bumper
Here is the final product - I tried a polishing agent to clean it up - it looks better but I am still going to paint it one day
I wasnt happy with using spacers to make the lights flush so I modified the cut outs. They are epoxied in place - I will smooth the light opening and bumper when I paint it
I also moved the licence plate it was a pretty simple mod the pardest part was getting the bolts out with out snapping them.
And finally its comming together - as you can see I still have some final tweeking to do to get the left side to sit right
First some mods to the bumper
Here is the final product - I tried a polishing agent to clean it up - it looks better but I am still going to paint it one day
I wasnt happy with using spacers to make the lights flush so I modified the cut outs. They are epoxied in place - I will smooth the light opening and bumper when I paint it
I also moved the licence plate it was a pretty simple mod the pardest part was getting the bolts out with out snapping them.
And finally its comming together - as you can see I still have some final tweeking to do to get the left side to sit right