Not sure if this should go here or Custom Audio - Mods feel free to move if nessicary
Getting my cargo shelf Mod near completion - I still need to pick up a thin foam to make the little bit of the bolt heads even out, and also need to pick up new fabric to cover it
I wanted a bit more sound but something that looks like it could have been stock. so I will be running the 4x4s in the stock location and the 4x6s in the cargo shelf.
I plan eventually to make custom boxes over these to protect them.

Had to drill holes for the sound to come through, and counter sink the bolt heads


Getting my cargo shelf Mod near completion - I still need to pick up a thin foam to make the little bit of the bolt heads even out, and also need to pick up new fabric to cover it
I wanted a bit more sound but something that looks like it could have been stock. so I will be running the 4x4s in the stock location and the 4x6s in the cargo shelf.
I plan eventually to make custom boxes over these to protect them.

Had to drill holes for the sound to come through, and counter sink the bolt heads


