That was a bit offhanded. I mean you took one of the only 2 body kits available for the festiva and are saying "THIS IS MINE. GO FIND YOUR OWN." WOW, I mean alot of us festiva people would like to be able to just buy somthing for our cars(like you did) like a body kit. Then only to have one of the oldest members of the board get bent out of shape because of the purchase that was made is just like somthing he has. I had the picture of the chop top festie that was the same color you chose for your car on my website a LONG time before the pimptiva came around(at least a year). (maybe you didn't see it? )Now I didn't say one thing about you using that color. I thought it was cool that you saw somthing you liked and went with it. I would hate to think that you might be a bit of a hipocrit. After all, most of the newbies that see the work you have done to your car just makes them want one of thier own. To get upset with them is kind of wrong. They are admiring what you have done. I go to car shows to admire others hard work. I would hope that you are there to show your ride proudly. To show others what you have done so that they can appreciate what you have done and to have them walking away with a new determination that you might have put into them. It inspires them. You were at one time where most of the newbies are, we all were at some point. Instead of slamming on people for the compliments you recieve why not take them graciously? No one could replicate what you have done like you have. Take pride in the fact that people think that highly of what you have done. Besides the FMS kit is quite expensive as far as body kits go. Most people who would want one would have to be damn serious about it. (And have to sell a kidney or somthing... :wink: )
That was a bit offhanded. I mean you took one of the only 2 body kits available for the festiva and are saying "THIS IS MINE. GO FIND YOUR OWN." WOW, I mean alot of us festiva people would like to be able to just buy somthing for our cars(like you did) like a body kit. Then only to have one of the oldest members of the board get bent out of shape because of the purchase that was made is just like somthing he has. I had the picture of the chop top festie that was the same color you chose for your car on my website a LONG time before the pimptiva came around(at least a year). (maybe you didn't see it? )Now I didn't say one thing about you using that color. I thought it was cool that you saw somthing you liked and went with it. I would hate to think that you might be a bit of a hipocrit. After all, most of the newbies that see the work you have done to your car just makes them want one of thier own. To get upset with them is kind of wrong. They are admiring what you have done. I go to car shows to admire others hard work. I would hope that you are there to show your ride proudly. To show others what you have done so that they can appreciate what you have done and to have them walking away with a new determination that you might have put into them. It inspires them. You were at one time where most of the newbies are, we all were at some point. Instead of slamming on people for the compliments you recieve why not take them graciously? No one could replicate what you have done like you have. Take pride in the fact that people think that highly of what you have done. Besides the FMS kit is quite expensive as far as body kits go. Most people who would want one would have to be damn serious about it. (And have to sell a kidney or somthing... :wink: )