the kragen stick on letters looked cheezy and aftermarket and i like the more stock look so i went from:


so all i did was cut the raised chrome "E" off of one and cut the bottom(black) part from under the "A" on the other badge. put the epoxy putty under it and trimed it up with a razor and my dremel. it only took me an hour or so, using 2 junk yard badges, some apoxy putty,and some spray paint to make this... imo it looks stock


so all i did was cut the raised chrome "E" off of one and cut the bottom(black) part from under the "A" on the other badge. put the epoxy putty under it and trimed it up with a razor and my dremel. it only took me an hour or so, using 2 junk yard badges, some apoxy putty,and some spray paint to make this... imo it looks stock