I'm assuming that is the fabricator of the group buy we had on here a while ago, last i knew he disappeared and screwed over some members on here by not sending all the hoods that got ordered
The fabricator probably figured its been a while and now he can finally sell off the ones he still has laying around
The normal is not always normal... MOST is not ALL... And any job can be hard if you don't have the right tools!!! My Fleet:
89 L 4spd (Daily Driver(if it isn't broke down)) "Spanky"
I'm assuming that is the fabricator of the group buy we had on here a while ago, last i knew he disappeared and screwed over some members on here by not sending all the hoods that got ordered
The fabricator probably figured its been a while and now he can finally sell off the ones he still has laying around
That would make sense. Why would anyone who makes custom carbon fiber panels even think of making Festiva hoods? Plus, even if they did, they would make a stock profile and not an exact copy of the reverse bulge that you guys had made. It's just way to coincidental!
Glad I asked.
I got screwed from a place about 15+ years ago for a hood on my 81 cutlass, the dual scoop ram air style ( 442 repro). It was alot to save for a kid at the time. I was pissed.
Anycase , Is the FMS made to order/ and fiber glass?
If any one bought from the E-bay guy I would would pay pal the money so you are covered incase he does not deliver. They can put a stop payment on his account.
Do all the festiva year hoods interchange?
91 Festiva, BP, auto
69 Mercury Cyclone CJ, 428 SCJ, 4 spd