Escort/Protege/Tracer/323 dome lights with map lights built in... The roof is already threaded to accept the light, you just have to cut the headliner and install it.
Blue '93 GL Auto: White 13" 5 Point Wheels, Full LED Conversion, and an 8" Sub
@MattRhodes do a search for "Escort dome light" there is a write up.
That being the case, I went and snagged one out of an escort this weekend. Only problem is, that neither my stock one, or the escort one work at all. Fuse is good. All my other lights work... Weird.
gadelbert1... make sure that the ground at the door switch is good, I had this issue, and now have no problems. Some electrical grease in that area will help also.
gadelbert1... make sure that the ground at the door switch is good, I had this issue, and now have no problems. Some electrical grease in that area will help also.
Would that cause it to not work at all? It won't work in the solid on position either...
You might also find that the connectors in the light are corroded. It's a good idea to clean them too. Also, I suggest switching from standard to an LED panel, which is a massive upgrade.
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