I'm fed up with not having a reliable cup holder in my festiva. I've tried many different methods, including, but not limited to:
Placing the cup on the passenger seat and putting the seat belt around it. - Didn't work
Keeping the cup between my legs while driving. -Painfully didn't work
Getting one of those fast food cup trays and keeping it on the passenger side floor -Didn't work with only one full cup in it
Wedging the cup between the driver's seat and the driver's door. -Worked until I forgot it was there and opened up my door to get out
So today I just remembered that I had an old cup holder from the 2006 Mini Cooper S that I had a few years back(still regretting to this day that I traded it in), and I thought, heck, why don't I try to see if I could adapt it to fit in the festiva!
Here's the cup holder:

Proof of authenticity..

Those two mounting holes look like they could be put somewhere.... how about here!

I mocked up the cup holder to where I wanted it on the center console, and marked where I needed to put the screws.

I had a bag of black screws and black screw backs for something I forget what for. That's the beauty of just collecting screws when you don't need all of them for one project.

I used my cordless drill to make holes with the screws where my marks were. Those screws were quite a bit longer than they needed to be.

So I took my dikes and cut the screws to what I believed would be a good enough length for the screws to connect with the back plate.

And there it is! All screwed in and sturdy. I needed those back plates because the weight of any cup might have stripped the screws out of the plastic and then the cup holder would have been all wobbly or would have fallen out while driving.. That wouldn't have been so great. Here's the rest of the pictures on how it fits.

I'm really satisfied with the way that it turned out. I'll get to test it out officially tomorrow morning on my way to work.
It's silly how little things like this can make me feel better about my car... Last week I replaced the old shocks with KYB GR-2's all around and that added much better ride quality, but the cup holder.. that's just a whole new level of happy, to me.
Hope you all enjoyed this pictorial mod, and maybe it'll inspire you to do something similar. Let me know what your thoughts are on this mod!
Placing the cup on the passenger seat and putting the seat belt around it. - Didn't work
Keeping the cup between my legs while driving. -Painfully didn't work
Getting one of those fast food cup trays and keeping it on the passenger side floor -Didn't work with only one full cup in it
Wedging the cup between the driver's seat and the driver's door. -Worked until I forgot it was there and opened up my door to get out
So today I just remembered that I had an old cup holder from the 2006 Mini Cooper S that I had a few years back(still regretting to this day that I traded it in), and I thought, heck, why don't I try to see if I could adapt it to fit in the festiva!
Here's the cup holder:

Proof of authenticity..

Those two mounting holes look like they could be put somewhere.... how about here!

I mocked up the cup holder to where I wanted it on the center console, and marked where I needed to put the screws.

I had a bag of black screws and black screw backs for something I forget what for. That's the beauty of just collecting screws when you don't need all of them for one project.

I used my cordless drill to make holes with the screws where my marks were. Those screws were quite a bit longer than they needed to be.

So I took my dikes and cut the screws to what I believed would be a good enough length for the screws to connect with the back plate.

And there it is! All screwed in and sturdy. I needed those back plates because the weight of any cup might have stripped the screws out of the plastic and then the cup holder would have been all wobbly or would have fallen out while driving.. That wouldn't have been so great. Here's the rest of the pictures on how it fits.

I'm really satisfied with the way that it turned out. I'll get to test it out officially tomorrow morning on my way to work.
It's silly how little things like this can make me feel better about my car... Last week I replaced the old shocks with KYB GR-2's all around and that added much better ride quality, but the cup holder.. that's just a whole new level of happy, to me.
Hope you all enjoyed this pictorial mod, and maybe it'll inspire you to do something similar. Let me know what your thoughts are on this mod!