I'm currently stripping my next daily for paint and as I'm doing so, I can't help but examine the chassis, looking for weight I can cut out(like the rear seat brackets, roof trusses, etc) and wonder if I can design a cage for my rally car that will minimize the negative effects it will have on the car(such as improper chassis stiffening and excessive weight) while still being safe in a crash. In one of my head-on accidents, I noticed that the front lower rails will collapse the footwells, so I definitely want strong longitudinal braces and a system that will disperse force on impact. Also, the roof is quite weak, so I'll need to strengthen it, but I would like to avoid using oversized upper rails. Today I found that the dashboard is a fair bit heavier than I thought it would be. Should I delete it and integrate a new one into my design? While I'm talking about that area, in terms of chassis flex, does the firewall need any help? Or should I ensure that section can let the body flex around it?
Thank you all for your knowledge, wisdom, and experience
Thank you all for your knowledge, wisdom, and experience