There was a new festy on the yard today, a '90 auto. For some reason people with autos apparently think they need tachs, though I have no idea why. I figured since it was an auto it didn't deserve to keep the white tach cluster it had in the dashboard, so I pulled it. I love it, IMHO it looks a lot better than orange one would in a car with otherwise white lettering everywhere (my '91). And it glows green! (I'm gonna experiment with different colored bulbs though and see what other colors I might be able to get out of it). My favorite feature though (and soon to be my most hated one too) is the high pitched buzzer thingy that reminds you to turn off your lights. But its really high pitched and annoying, and I don't ever leave my lights on anyway, but I thought it was a neat feature anyway. Oh yeah, here's some pics too, since I'm sure everyone has seen Wil's orange faced one in his writeup, but I've never seen a pic of a white one on here.
In the car...

... and glowing green...
In the car...

... and glowing green...
