I got a power lock kit, it came with a 5 wire actuator, a 2 wire actuator and a control module. The control module has a two wire input for unlock/ lock- close the circuit they unlock, close it again they lock. The thing is, i got a two position unlock/lock switch that i want to mount on the door. Is there any way i can wire this thing up so can use the unlock/lock switch? if thats not clear, i want it wired so there is separate buttons for lock/unlock (useing the two position switch i got)
I got a power lock kit, it came with a 5 wire actuator, a 2 wire actuator and a control module. The control module has a two wire input for unlock/ lock- close the circuit they unlock, close it again they lock. The thing is, i got a two position unlock/lock switch that i want to mount on the door. Is there any way i can wire this thing up so can use the unlock/lock switch? if thats not clear, i want it wired so there is separate buttons for lock/unlock (useing the two position switch i got)