Lol, not on the festy, the festy is still rocking the aspire trailing arm and the Escort LX 14s. But here's my new shoes on the new car... and IRS which I have already fell in love with after just one night of delivering pizza

They are ICW racing 16x7s wrapped in 205/40/16s (cheap ones lol). But I like them, and I'm hopefully going to try them on the festy sometime but I'll have to convert to studs first instead of bolts because the rims require those stupid skinny lugs with the weird converter thing for the wrench...

They are ICW racing 16x7s wrapped in 205/40/16s (cheap ones lol). But I like them, and I'm hopefully going to try them on the festy sometime but I'll have to convert to studs first instead of bolts because the rims require those stupid skinny lugs with the weird converter thing for the wrench...