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steering rack end bushings build/write up

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  • steering rack end bushings build/write up

    here are the bushings i have made to correct my steering rack play. i started with a piece of 3/4" schedule 40 PVC with 2 slip on butt connector ends. cut the center stop from the butt connector ends and glued the pipe straight through the connector to make it thicker. both sides are 30mm deep. i used creativity and a drill press as a lathe so they arent exactly perfect. i will get pics of them installed tomorrow. the rack in the pic is my old junker rack.

    bushings. note that only the steering shaft side(driver's side) has a step in it. the passenger side is all 29.9mm

    the dimensions for the bushings
    Last edited by fastivaB6TG25MR; 05-01-2012, 11:25 PM.
    I know its a piece of crap but im still faster...and its 100% legal!!!!!