Ok, so here goes. I wanted to own another Festiva, as i used to kinda own a 1993 L parts car my father bought. The car was way to far gone to save, so that was junked.
Fast forward to today, And in uncle henry's (www.unclehenrys.com, a buy and swap guide from maine) I found a 1993 L, 5 Speed. The guy told me he would take my 11; Boat and 6 HP outboard in trade, so I did. He also said the car could be driven home. He didnt mention it needed a new belt, so that was one day down the drain. (it's about 3 hours one way to this guys place) Next time, i thought we were all set, i went to drive it and noticed no brake pedal. None what so ever. Turns out the lines were junk, as well as the power booster.
Anyways, long story short, it needed to be towed down here, and here's what i've discovered so far....

Rocker panel/floor/axle beam mount rot

And todays work....

It was easier taking the entire column out, just to get to the brake booster nuts

Bumper was gone...I mean gone. The other side mount is worse, but the batteries went flat in the camera
Fast forward to today, And in uncle henry's (www.unclehenrys.com, a buy and swap guide from maine) I found a 1993 L, 5 Speed. The guy told me he would take my 11; Boat and 6 HP outboard in trade, so I did. He also said the car could be driven home. He didnt mention it needed a new belt, so that was one day down the drain. (it's about 3 hours one way to this guys place) Next time, i thought we were all set, i went to drive it and noticed no brake pedal. None what so ever. Turns out the lines were junk, as well as the power booster.
Anyways, long story short, it needed to be towed down here, and here's what i've discovered so far....

Rocker panel/floor/axle beam mount rot

And todays work....

It was easier taking the entire column out, just to get to the brake booster nuts

Bumper was gone...I mean gone. The other side mount is worse, but the batteries went flat in the camera