Nice build you got goin' there! I recommend that you not swap in the BP because you will then be going too fast to throw the papers. Unless you build a paper-throwing rig which will auto-load the papers from a magazine (less than 15 papers of course*), and have a quick recovery time so you can just push the button again for the next paper.
* There is currently legislation pending in Congress to limit the capacity of paper-throwing magazines to under 15, because "Why would anyone need to throw more than 15 papers at a time anyway?" The intent here is to keep the mentally unstable and career criminals from acquiring high-capacity newspaper magazines, due to the immense personal injury they could accomplish in a crowded location where people are unarmed, or in drive-by paperings between rival gangs, where innocent people might get hurt.
* There is currently legislation pending in Congress to limit the capacity of paper-throwing magazines to under 15, because "Why would anyone need to throw more than 15 papers at a time anyway?" The intent here is to keep the mentally unstable and career criminals from acquiring high-capacity newspaper magazines, due to the immense personal injury they could accomplish in a crowded location where people are unarmed, or in drive-by paperings between rival gangs, where innocent people might get hurt.