Finally bought a Festiva! After about a year of looking.
It'll need a bit of work, but everything seems to be fairly easy to fix. It has a 5 speed manual and a few dents in the fenders and quarter panel. The dude I picked it up from said his wife hit someone the week before and broke out the head light. So, I need a new grille and the clip that holds on the radiator is kinda bent. It didn't hurt anything else though.
My plans are to make it into a nice show car. I'd really like to do a B6T swap, but I'm not sure yet. It kinda seems like it would be a chore, because I don't know anything about turbos.
Anyways, comments and suggestions are appreciated!
I've had this hand painted shift knob for a long time. Just need to get a smaller connector for it.
It'll need a bit of work, but everything seems to be fairly easy to fix. It has a 5 speed manual and a few dents in the fenders and quarter panel. The dude I picked it up from said his wife hit someone the week before and broke out the head light. So, I need a new grille and the clip that holds on the radiator is kinda bent. It didn't hurt anything else though.
My plans are to make it into a nice show car. I'd really like to do a B6T swap, but I'm not sure yet. It kinda seems like it would be a chore, because I don't know anything about turbos.
Anyways, comments and suggestions are appreciated!
I've had this hand painted shift knob for a long time. Just need to get a smaller connector for it.