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  • Hm..

    So I was browsing around on the interwebs, and I came across this car:

    And I was thinking, it looks VERY similar to a Festiva. Anyone know if there's any interchangeable parts between these cars?

  • #2
    I doubt anything is interchangable. The Festiva was a Mazda design, which is why so much Mazda stuff works with it. Even if something from the Austin did fit it, I wouldn't bother. Brits are not known for building the best cars.
    Axlander9289, brother of ThisVelologist

    Festivas past:
    Aqua '92 Festiva L - Sold "Dale"
    White '89 Festiva L Plus - RIP "Dudley"
    White '93 Festiva GL - Sold to thisvelologist "Frito"
    Red '91 Festiva L - Sold to Louieisawesome "Geraldo"

    Current Fleet:
    Aqua '93 Festiva L with Aspire brakes "Dale Jr."
    Black and White '93 Festiva GL Sport (White alloys and spoiler are long gone) "Blues-tiva"
    White '15 Ford Transit Connect


    • #3
      Nothing is interchangable I am sure, but you never know till you try, unfortunetely I don't think there are many of those cars over here for us to cut and try :-)

      And Axlander is right, the brits arn't known for their cars, fish and chips yes, cars no.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Gforcefd
        the brits arn't known for their cars, fish and chips yes, cars no.
        :lol: :lol: :lol: 88 festiva LX w/BP G25 MR 5 speed waiting for wiring- 93 Festiva GL auto w/ air, waiting for B6t/G4A-HL - 98 Nissan Quest - 02 Mazda protege 5 wife's DD


        • #5
          Maybe tires and if you're lucky windshield wipers.

          Take it back to the back porch, join the 3 string revolution.

