don't know if this is a common affliction but age and a few careful scrubbings of the package tray left it with what i'd call a 'hairy or fuzzy look to the fabric that also trapped hundreds of tiny lint balls. i thought to use a rechargable electric razor to smooth it out again. i set it on the lowest cut setting and carefully and slowly dragged the razor from front to back letting the weight of the razor do the work and giving it time to work through any snagging. i had to clean the razor comb every dozen or so passes and also shaved the whole tray twice. the second pass goes a little quicker with less fuzz to cut but still took about an hour. the time was worth it as the fabric looks like new again. also, the lifting cords had become white (faded) so since they had been removed for the shaving i decided to try black shoe paste. just a glob on a cloth and ran the laces through it a few times. like new again.