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so diffrent car discussion

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  • so diffrent car discussion

    ok i will need to be finding a new ride soon, i dont have time to do a rebuild on it or even get another engine dropped in.

    ive been wanting a ranger but i dont think id like the hit in mpg, it wont be so bad after im out of school (december so its not to far away) but i kinda still want a car, i have been looking at some of the 4dr focus sedans and i kinda like em,

    throw out some other suggestions, nothing over 10k for used, (kc mo area) im not sure what i could get approved for, but i do need something else quick. i am probally going to talk to my car guy at dick smith ford on tuesday, and see what i can get pre approved for just by my self,
    2007 Ford Taurus 23-25MPG
    1976 Chevy Silverado (my toy)
    1951 Ford Deluxe, being rebuilt

    Have an old car truck or tractor? Go here.

  • #2
    Try to find a person with a car for sale for that price. They'll know more about the car and you could get financing through a bank. Plus used car dealers are crooks sometimes.

    Take it back to the back porch, join the 3 string revolution.


    • #3
      10k.. can buy you ALOT. You only want a ford? Rangers that bad in gas? I take it you just a commuter for school? Why not a Festiva? A nice festiva.. and youll have 9500 to upgrade it with.
      88' Ford Festiva
      97' Chevy Silverado Z71
      94' Chevy S-10


      • #4
        Originally posted by Quickslick4444
        10k.. can buy you ALOT. You only want a ford? Rangers that bad in gas? I take it you just a commuter for school? Why not a Festiva? A nice festiva.. and youll have 9500 to upgrade it with.
        school and work about 75 miles a day, 400 a week plus any small driving i do thats not factored in there.
        2007 Ford Taurus 23-25MPG
        1976 Chevy Silverado (my toy)
        1951 Ford Deluxe, being rebuilt

        Have an old car truck or tractor? Go here.


        • #5
          What happened to your Aspire?
          Axlander9289, brother of ThisVelologist

          Festivas past:
          Aqua '92 Festiva L - Sold "Dale"
          White '89 Festiva L Plus - RIP "Dudley"
          White '93 Festiva GL - Sold to thisvelologist "Frito"
          Red '91 Festiva L - Sold to Louieisawesome "Geraldo"

          Current Fleet:
          Aqua '93 Festiva L with Aspire brakes "Dale Jr."
          Black and White '93 Festiva GL Sport (White alloys and spoiler are long gone) "Blues-tiva"
          White '15 Ford Transit Connect


          • #6
            drinking oil and wont stop with the valve ticking
            2007 Ford Taurus 23-25MPG
            1976 Chevy Silverado (my toy)
            1951 Ford Deluxe, being rebuilt

            Have an old car truck or tractor? Go here.


            • #7
              BP swap! The furious egg!! Seriously why not hunt down a festiva? Or just fix your aspire. I know of a 4 door focus sedan with a bad trans at 60,000 miles.
     88 festiva LX w/BP G25 MR 5 speed waiting for wiring- 93 Festiva GL auto w/ air, waiting for B6t/G4A-HL - 98 Nissan Quest - 02 Mazda protege 5 wife's DD


              • #8
                Originally posted by carbonvmax
                BP swap! The furious egg!! Seriously why not hunt down a festiva? Or just fix your aspire. I know of a 4 door focus sedan with a bad trans at 60,000 miles.
                because i dont have the time or money to do it and i dont have a spare vehicle. if i get another one it will be financed.
                2007 Ford Taurus 23-25MPG
                1976 Chevy Silverado (my toy)
                1951 Ford Deluxe, being rebuilt

                Have an old car truck or tractor? Go here.


                • #9
                  ok we went to dick smith, and the one that im looking at, the owners daughter has said she wants it, and then doesnt, then does, etc... so as of right now its sold, we went ahead and submitted paperwork to see what we can get approved for, they have another silver focus comming in in a few days, for the same price, and fewer miles.

                  heres the link

                  that was $11,988

                  but i did also look at a few other vehicles, one being the Taurus. they had an 05 for 10,9xx but had some 07 for the same price, so i may try for one of them,

                  hopefully well know something by monday or tuesday.

                  hate to do it but like i said i have no spare vehicle to rebuild the engine or have it done etc... and it will be nice to have something new.

                  also what do yall think about the 5dr focus hatchbacks? they have a red one for 11,4xx with 27k miles,

                  i dont like it but it looks to be growing on me lol.
                  2007 Ford Taurus 23-25MPG
                  1976 Chevy Silverado (my toy)
                  1951 Ford Deluxe, being rebuilt

                  Have an old car truck or tractor? Go here.


                  • #10
                    If you get a Taurus, make sure you get the AX4N transmission. (19 bolt pan) They tend to last longer than the AXOD-E (17 bolt pan) Though neither one is what you call reliable. That being said I've had great luck with my AX4N.

                    edit: I had no idea Raytown was a real place. I thought they made it up for that show, Mamma's Family.
                    Axlander9289, brother of ThisVelologist

                    Festivas past:
                    Aqua '92 Festiva L - Sold "Dale"
                    White '89 Festiva L Plus - RIP "Dudley"
                    White '93 Festiva GL - Sold to thisvelologist "Frito"
                    Red '91 Festiva L - Sold to Louieisawesome "Geraldo"

                    Current Fleet:
                    Aqua '93 Festiva L with Aspire brakes "Dale Jr."
                    Black and White '93 Festiva GL Sport (White alloys and spoiler are long gone) "Blues-tiva"
                    White '15 Ford Transit Connect


                    • #11
                      ya, this is the red hatch im lookin at,

                      2007 Ford Taurus 23-25MPG
                      1976 Chevy Silverado (my toy)
                      1951 Ford Deluxe, being rebuilt

                      Have an old car truck or tractor? Go here.


                      • #12
                        Ya a feel you on your situation. I just started a new union job as a pre apprentice. So they send me 1/2 across the state. Some old lady smashed my s-10... so my untested Festiva will be gettin a nice test this week. Are you strictly fords tho? Why not just grab somethign else.. like a civic or integra.. camry... whatever. If your not into imports... i understand.. but they are the best commuter cars. I have allways been a GM man.. Chevy is the only car/truck my family has ever owned. Im the first person to have a non chevy.
                        88' Ford Festiva
                        97' Chevy Silverado Z71
                        94' Chevy S-10


                        • #13
                          well were going thro a dealer who weve done business with for over 10 years, so i know their not going to screw me/us, and i have heard everything other than fords going down

                          ive heard real good stuff about the focus which is why im looking at them
                          2007 Ford Taurus 23-25MPG
                          1976 Chevy Silverado (my toy)
                          1951 Ford Deluxe, being rebuilt

                          Have an old car truck or tractor? Go here.


                          • #14
                            They didnt get the Found on road dead from nowhere
                            88' Ford Festiva
                            97' Chevy Silverado Z71
                            94' Chevy S-10


                            • #15
                              CHEVROLET- Cracks Heads Every Valve Rattles Oil Leaks Every Time

                              VOLVO- Vehicular Object Looks Very Odd

                              and while I'm at it-

                              FESTIVA- Ford's Extremely Sorry Try In Vehicular Abominations
                              Axlander9289, brother of ThisVelologist

                              Festivas past:
                              Aqua '92 Festiva L - Sold "Dale"
                              White '89 Festiva L Plus - RIP "Dudley"
                              White '93 Festiva GL - Sold to thisvelologist "Frito"
                              Red '91 Festiva L - Sold to Louieisawesome "Geraldo"

                              Current Fleet:
                              Aqua '93 Festiva L with Aspire brakes "Dale Jr."
                              Black and White '93 Festiva GL Sport (White alloys and spoiler are long gone) "Blues-tiva"
                              White '15 Ford Transit Connect

