My car was starting to miss a little so I decided to change the plugs. The old oners were worn looking but probably could have been cleaned up. I opted to buy new plugs. Went down and bought the cheapest plugs in stock, which happened to be Autolites. I set the gap, installed them and hopped behind the wheel. When the car started up it had a very strange miss. It wouldn't always miss but it was obvious when it did. My first thought was that I had crossed a wire or not snapped it on all the way. That wasn't the case. I then thought maybe I had cracked an insluator or messed up a plug wire or something. I then one by one pulled the plugs out to inspect if anyone looked different. When I got to number one which happened to be the last one I checked, I found the problem. The electrode was bent over so there was no gap. :shock: I don't have a clue what happened. There was no knocking like something in the cylinder hit it. When I regapped it and installed it again the car ran like new. Must have banged it around installing it.
hmmm....It's getting bad when I mess up a plug install. :lol:

hmmm....It's getting bad when I mess up a plug install. :lol: