The other night i was driving the festiva and noticed that when i would try to put it in fifth it would gring and not go in. Then i noticed that it was also very hard to pull out of gear also. I was almost home when i tried to put it in fifth and it wouldn'y go. So i pulled it out and it made a clunk. Then i realized that i had no gears at all. I didn't even have the H pattern. I costed in the drive way and rolled into the garage. I thought that the shift linkage came loose from the shifter but upon closer inspection it was fine. Now i figured the trans is shot. I pulled the motor out and took the trans apart. I found that a plate inside the trans that holds the linkage together had borke into three pieces cuasing the linkage to fall apart. I guess my abuse and the fact that it had over 220,000 miles on it did it in. And to make it worse i had to drive my 66 which has a 4ooc.i motor, no heat and is slammed as a DD until either the cam went soft or a lifter collapsed. So until i get the stiva fixed i am barrowing vehicles to get to shool and work.