For those who haven't followed 'Im A Newebie"
Afte the rear main oil casting save i found the no 2 cly top piston ring broke...3.8: secton slid ove and widemed the groove...only a suface score in the cyl wall...all cly's were mid factoy spec. Afyer a wek of try local sources for factory dia oistones...I tig welde dthe piston...remachined the piston to5/1000 and stoned the rest...looked like a water stain.
I considered a rebor but did not have the time at busy i only get nights on the machines to re bore...also...if i could not get a new worried i couldn't get an oversize set....won't go to a local shop either...they won't spend the time to insure the bores are alll the same let alone inline with the crnak....just slightly off and...piston slap...wrist pin bind....con rod failure...valve tap..I want another 50K
While waiting spent the week cleaning threads and parts.
Afte the rear main oil casting save i found the no 2 cly top piston ring broke...3.8: secton slid ove and widemed the groove...only a suface score in the cyl wall...all cly's were mid factoy spec. Afyer a wek of try local sources for factory dia oistones...I tig welde dthe piston...remachined the piston to5/1000 and stoned the rest...looked like a water stain.
I considered a rebor but did not have the time at busy i only get nights on the machines to re bore...also...if i could not get a new worried i couldn't get an oversize set....won't go to a local shop either...they won't spend the time to insure the bores are alll the same let alone inline with the crnak....just slightly off and...piston slap...wrist pin bind....con rod failure...valve tap..I want another 50K
While waiting spent the week cleaning threads and parts.