Hey all, I thought I would mention that someone left a note on the windshield of my festiva ... actually it was Tuesday afternoon. I thought maybe I blocked a driveway or parked in a no parking spot.. but the note actually was an unsolicited offer to purchase the car.
I have a 67 mustang convertible and I am somewhat used to getting similar notes from interested prospective classic car owners, but this is the first time that anyone has ever left such a note on the Festive. The car is a fine ride though - I picked it up on craigslist in San Francisco a few months ago. It is a 1993 white 5 speed with air and has 41,000 original miles. I wonder if the festiva is getting to the Classic Car status or it is simply being admired for the killer gas mileage and easy parking.
I decided to keep this note with the car's documentation just to add a little spice to the official car history.
- b8kedbeans

I decided to keep this note with the car's documentation just to add a little spice to the official car history.
- b8kedbeans