This was on AOL news this morning....
Big Guys in Little Cars
It’s more or less like the “fat guy in a little coat” routine from Tommy Boy. In other words, Chris Farley-sized drivers in cars better suited to David Spade proportions. These guys will forever absorb all the Shriners taunts slung at them and take great pleasure in driving their diminutive cars. Just the act of these larger than life men getting in or out makes onlookers pause, while an imaginary drum roll plays during the feat, and they all wait with baited breath. Yet once they’re underway, somewhere inside" their inner children are having the times of their lives".
Hmmmmmmmmmmm.......must be talking about us .I know there are a lot of BIG GUYS here driving these.Is the biggest 6.5 ? Any Bigger ?
Big Guys in Little Cars
It’s more or less like the “fat guy in a little coat” routine from Tommy Boy. In other words, Chris Farley-sized drivers in cars better suited to David Spade proportions. These guys will forever absorb all the Shriners taunts slung at them and take great pleasure in driving their diminutive cars. Just the act of these larger than life men getting in or out makes onlookers pause, while an imaginary drum roll plays during the feat, and they all wait with baited breath. Yet once they’re underway, somewhere inside" their inner children are having the times of their lives".
Hmmmmmmmmmmm.......must be talking about us .I know there are a lot of BIG GUYS here driving these.Is the biggest 6.5 ? Any Bigger ?
