So I noticed this car sitting behind one of the buildings at work a week ago, found this forum the next day. Finally got in touch with the owner today, said he will sell for $100 w/title. The worst thing is that it looks like somebody break-danced on the roof. It's one big dent. Not a dent on the rest of the body, just a patch of bad paint on the drivers door. The engine is bad, owner said a rod went through the block. I looked under the hood & it's a very oily motor. I currently own a MX-3 & know the engine quite well. So I'm thinking B6 swap for this thing. And maybe standard swap. I hoped that it was manual, but it's not. Uhm... here's some pics!
Festivaness yay

Dent roof
It's a GL model
Seats are cloth with blue stripes running down (pic is sideways sorry)
It has passenger mirror

But not much for driver's side (the rest of it is in the hatch tho)

One orange corner light

One clear corner light

Looking through this forum & all the cars on cardomain, I really like the clear corners. I think alot of people do too. It would be nice to have both clear, but I guess it's 1/2 cool like this. It has the "new style grille" which means it's a later model right? The window seal is out of the door on the drivers side, you can see in the pic how far it goes up like that. Should be easy to just push it back in I think.
one clear corner, one orange corner
passenger mirror
back wiper
GL model
new all season tires on front
older all season tires on back (very thin tread left)
Good glass all around.
Busted motor
awsome body, badly dented roof
cloth seats with blue stripes
So this is definatly a good deal for $100 right? I have my B2200 to tow it home with, and the money in hand. I'm going to see what the comments to this are, and wait to tomorrow to do anything tho, I am a bit compulsive. Hey thanks for reading!
Festivaness yay

Dent roof
It's a GL model
Seats are cloth with blue stripes running down (pic is sideways sorry)
It has passenger mirror

But not much for driver's side (the rest of it is in the hatch tho)

One orange corner light

One clear corner light

Looking through this forum & all the cars on cardomain, I really like the clear corners. I think alot of people do too. It would be nice to have both clear, but I guess it's 1/2 cool like this. It has the "new style grille" which means it's a later model right? The window seal is out of the door on the drivers side, you can see in the pic how far it goes up like that. Should be easy to just push it back in I think.
one clear corner, one orange corner
passenger mirror
back wiper
GL model
new all season tires on front
older all season tires on back (very thin tread left)
Good glass all around.
Busted motor
awsome body, badly dented roof
cloth seats with blue stripes
So this is definatly a good deal for $100 right? I have my B2200 to tow it home with, and the money in hand. I'm going to see what the comments to this are, and wait to tomorrow to do anything tho, I am a bit compulsive. Hey thanks for reading!