Saw a red Festiva at the Junk Car Race in Birdsboro, PA this last weekend. It was in the small car bracket and was doing surprisingly well until he back-up up and landed on the hood of another car. He try to un-hook from it, but just counldn't get free. Half the people in the stands were cheering for it. Afterwards, I saw the car in the pits. It was an automatic, Fuel injected model. I got talking to the guy and apparently he bought two cars (both red) and piece together a good one to commute in and took the left-overs and made the "junk' car. I told him about this web site and to check it out. Also, that the parts are fairly desirable and he should advertise the parts he has left here or on Ebay. Even gave him my telephone number. A quick review of the car indicates that it should be back in the Fall to race again. It sustained very little damage. (Wish I could say the same thing about my 1976 Delta 88 - It took a beating in the final heat - Probably won't be back, but there is a 1979 Cougar waiting in the wings
). This guy renovates schools and got the Festiva to use for commuting to the job site and carrying his tools. I told him I got mine as a commuter also, but quickly got spoiled by it to the point that I hardly ever use my E320 anymore. I can't help but feel sorry for him once he gets the Festiva fever and realizes that he contributed the demise of one of these great little cars - LOL !!