Howdy. I've been looking for a cheap, small fuel efficient car, and after finding that I can't fit in a Geo Metro comfortably, I continued looking. Today I happened to spot a 94 Aspire SE for 800 OBO. Left front fender is dented, right rear fender has one small rust bubble but other than that the body appears to be fine, but the red paint is faded. The floor has been undercoated and appears to be solid with no rust holes. The car's owner wasn't home when I was looking at the car but it was unlocked so I poked around in it a bit. It has just a tiny bit over 200,000 kms on the odometer. No AC, and it's an automatic. It looks like someone has put a custom dash face on it (stay with me here), the background on the gauges is blue with white lettering. I think it looks pretty sharp like that. The only thing is, the registration and safety inspection expired last year so I can only assume it's been sitting more or less unused since then. If I can get ahold of the owner tonight, I'll go take a look at it tomorrow. Are there any problem areas I should pay attention to? If the car turns out to be ok, then I'll offer the owner $600 and see if he'll take it. That's all I got on me right now. Even if I do buy it tomorrow I won't be able to get it in my own name for a week or so, I just sold my 88 Celica to my stepfather and he's out in Alberta working at the oil sands projects and he won't be sending the money for the car for a week or so. I'm posting 2 pictures I took of the Aspire with my cheap digital camera so you people here can comment on it. What kind of fuel mileage can I expect to get from this car? Do you think it is worth buying? BTW, that's my old man in the first picture.
