FYI, The 1989 Festiva Early EFI with auto are just unique of year make...
Here some advanage with 1989 EFI:
1. You can swap the stock B3 fuel injectors (orange cap color) to B6 fuel injectors (green cap color) without cutting the wires. That'll make more HP coming out the B3 engine!
2. You can swap the B6 engine and use with stock 1989 system and it will runs great!
Member of here Festiva GTX do have one similer of your unique 1989 Festiva L-Plus.
Yeah that's right, but right now I am using B6 engine with aspire auto. It run 56MPH at 3,000 RPM much lower than stock feativa auto and the average MPG still under testing. It currently runs on 1989 early efi and no problem so far...
Wow Tim, I thought you would never go back to ride a feativa? I guess you can't run away a festiva? $500 dollar deal is really lucky!
I am sure you will like 1989 early EFI auto because it jump off like a jackrabbit from the white lane isn't?
I can post here of my 1989 Festiva L-Plus if you like to see my custom B6 engine and aspire auto?
Last edited by GenevaDirt; 10-07-2008, 01:49 AM.
Reason: language
Should I be looking for an '89 auto disty for Luxstiva? Would it perk up my B6 even more, especially off the line?
Karl, The 89 dist won't work in your car, it would work in a 88-89 carbed car though. The 89 auto dist has a vaccum advance where yours (advance) is controled through the ECM I think.