Okay how do I get my pictures from photobucket into my members page?
Never mind, I figured it out, I used photobucket to resize them then saved them to my harddrive and uploaded them. My main picture wouldn't upload it said it was too big, even when I had it as small as 15k in photobucket, when I saved it on my hardrive it was trying to tell me it was 117k, All my pictures are small now because of the glitches. Is this maybe having to do with the forum update?
Never mind, I figured it out, I used photobucket to resize them then saved them to my harddrive and uploaded them. My main picture wouldn't upload it said it was too big, even when I had it as small as 15k in photobucket, when I saved it on my hardrive it was trying to tell me it was 117k, All my pictures are small now because of the glitches. Is this maybe having to do with the forum update?