So I have a 323GT that I would love to do something with some day, but it needs some rust repair, and the power window regulators are totally shot (which would be hard part to source replacements for as not many 323GTs exist and not many non-GT's came with power windows) and it needs it's whole suspension rebuilt, plus it's a little banged up in the front.
So as much as I hate to do it, I've decided to make it a parts car for my Festiva project.
But last night I was thinking about what I like about the 323 that I would miss.
I like the seats.
I like the dashboard - not just the gauge cluster, the whole dashboard.
I like the B6T.
I love the crank open sunroof.
I like that it's pretty rare - you don't see them very often, unless you own one.
So I played around with the tape measure today and I measured the width of the dashboard. It's appears to be about 1/2" wider on the 323, but there are lips that fill the gap between the dash and the door that could be cut down 1/4" on each side to fit the Festiva if need be. The width of the actual dashboard is very close, maybe actually wider on the Festiva.

The contour might be different at the base of the windshield, but it's close and making a filler piece might not be hard.
The general shape and countours of the 323 dash and Festiva dash are very similar. The 323 has a nice center console that might fit between the seats in a Festiva.
I did a complete dash swap on one of my Datsuns and I wasn't super easy, but it also wasn't that hard.
If I used the entire dash, then I could use all of the AC parts from the 323, the underhood parts would just have to be squeezed into a tighter space at the front of the car.
If I used the whole dash, all the AC parts, the 323 alternator, started, and maybe even the steering column (tilt baby!) I could use the majority of the 323 wiring harness. I might just have to change a few connectors here and there for Festiva things - like maybe at the tailights or turnsignals etc - since those would have to match the Festiva.
I'd have to do away with the Festiva's motorized belts - finding the seat belt pieces from an '88-'89 can't be that hard.
And here's where the idea jumps the shark.
What about that crank open sunroof?

I'd probably have to cut the opening out of the 323 and cut a similar hole on the Festiva and mate the two together, but it seems to me that mounting the whole crank and slider assembly under the roof of the Festiva could be that hard. Surely I'll have to fabricate some brackets, probably remove the brace above the headliner in the Festiva, but presumably the 323 has a similar brace that might be adaptable.
The contour of the two roofs might not be exactly the same, but the contour of the 323's sliding panel doesn't perfectly match the 323's own roof anyway.
And even if I have to cut all of the panel of the Festiva's roof between the black rubber strips and cut a similar section out of the 323's roof, it won't be that hard.

I'll have to make a custom headliner, or make a hybrid of the 323 and a Festiva headliner. Shouldn't be that hard - or expensive if I have to pay an interior shop to do it. A friend of mine had an entire suede headliner put in his Sentra when he installed an aftermarket sliding sunroof and it wasn't that expensive.
The Festiva I would doing this with is a completely gutted shell anyways, so it's not like I'm going to destroy a perfectly good Festiva if things don't work out.
It was in a flood. It's totally rust free and fairly straight, but it needs new carpet, seats, a new headliner (it didn't get wet, but is has a permanent stink), I need to pull the dash out to clean up the firewall. I expect it would have electrical gremlins related to being submerged anyway, so swapping the wiring harness might be necessity anyway.
So if you've read this far - am I crazy? Is there something I'm not thinking about that will throw a wrench into my plans?
Has anybody every tried a 323 dash swap?
How about installing a sliding sunroof?
Has anybody ever tried to use a complete harness out of a donor 323/Capri/EGT as part of their engine swap?
Anybody put a different steering column in their Festiva?
I'm going to finish the BP swap in my green Festiva before I start on this project, so don't expect update pics in the next few weeks, and I expect this will be a winter-long project, but it's something I really want to do and I think I have the necessary skills.
OR - based on the pics below, should I just fix up the 323GT?

So yeah, thanks for reading - I know it's wordy, just kind of a stream of consciousness of my on-going though process.
Any thoughts, comments, etc. would be appreciated.
So as much as I hate to do it, I've decided to make it a parts car for my Festiva project.
But last night I was thinking about what I like about the 323 that I would miss.
I like the seats.
I like the dashboard - not just the gauge cluster, the whole dashboard.
I like the B6T.
I love the crank open sunroof.
I like that it's pretty rare - you don't see them very often, unless you own one.
So I played around with the tape measure today and I measured the width of the dashboard. It's appears to be about 1/2" wider on the 323, but there are lips that fill the gap between the dash and the door that could be cut down 1/4" on each side to fit the Festiva if need be. The width of the actual dashboard is very close, maybe actually wider on the Festiva.

The contour might be different at the base of the windshield, but it's close and making a filler piece might not be hard.
The general shape and countours of the 323 dash and Festiva dash are very similar. The 323 has a nice center console that might fit between the seats in a Festiva.
I did a complete dash swap on one of my Datsuns and I wasn't super easy, but it also wasn't that hard.
If I used the entire dash, then I could use all of the AC parts from the 323, the underhood parts would just have to be squeezed into a tighter space at the front of the car.
If I used the whole dash, all the AC parts, the 323 alternator, started, and maybe even the steering column (tilt baby!) I could use the majority of the 323 wiring harness. I might just have to change a few connectors here and there for Festiva things - like maybe at the tailights or turnsignals etc - since those would have to match the Festiva.
I'd have to do away with the Festiva's motorized belts - finding the seat belt pieces from an '88-'89 can't be that hard.
And here's where the idea jumps the shark.
What about that crank open sunroof?

I'd probably have to cut the opening out of the 323 and cut a similar hole on the Festiva and mate the two together, but it seems to me that mounting the whole crank and slider assembly under the roof of the Festiva could be that hard. Surely I'll have to fabricate some brackets, probably remove the brace above the headliner in the Festiva, but presumably the 323 has a similar brace that might be adaptable.
The contour of the two roofs might not be exactly the same, but the contour of the 323's sliding panel doesn't perfectly match the 323's own roof anyway.
And even if I have to cut all of the panel of the Festiva's roof between the black rubber strips and cut a similar section out of the 323's roof, it won't be that hard.

I'll have to make a custom headliner, or make a hybrid of the 323 and a Festiva headliner. Shouldn't be that hard - or expensive if I have to pay an interior shop to do it. A friend of mine had an entire suede headliner put in his Sentra when he installed an aftermarket sliding sunroof and it wasn't that expensive.
The Festiva I would doing this with is a completely gutted shell anyways, so it's not like I'm going to destroy a perfectly good Festiva if things don't work out.
It was in a flood. It's totally rust free and fairly straight, but it needs new carpet, seats, a new headliner (it didn't get wet, but is has a permanent stink), I need to pull the dash out to clean up the firewall. I expect it would have electrical gremlins related to being submerged anyway, so swapping the wiring harness might be necessity anyway.
So if you've read this far - am I crazy? Is there something I'm not thinking about that will throw a wrench into my plans?
Has anybody every tried a 323 dash swap?
How about installing a sliding sunroof?
Has anybody ever tried to use a complete harness out of a donor 323/Capri/EGT as part of their engine swap?
Anybody put a different steering column in their Festiva?
I'm going to finish the BP swap in my green Festiva before I start on this project, so don't expect update pics in the next few weeks, and I expect this will be a winter-long project, but it's something I really want to do and I think I have the necessary skills.
OR - based on the pics below, should I just fix up the 323GT?

So yeah, thanks for reading - I know it's wordy, just kind of a stream of consciousness of my on-going though process.
Any thoughts, comments, etc. would be appreciated.