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Cash for Clunkers suspended!!

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  • Cash for Clunkers suspended!!

    Just saw it on the news that it is expected to be suspended at midnight tonight because they think they are out of
    They set aside 1 billion dollars and they think it is gone in just a few days....they said it was supposed to go from July 1st through November 1st.

    Government in action....woohoo!
    89L Silver EFI auto
    91GL Green Auto DD
    There ain't no rest for the wicked
    until we close our eyes for good.
    I will sleep when I die!
    I'm a little hunk of tin, nobody knows what shape I'm in. I've got four wheels and a running board, I'm not a Chevy, I'M A FORD!

  • #2
    ^^ Saw that too. Betting the car companies and dealers have already spent close to 1 billion on ads for it. Seems like that's all I hear/see is car ads about cash for clunkers.

    And these people want to be in charge of my healthcare??

    Dumb thieves go to prison, smart ones go to work for the Government.

    1988 L - 232K miles Batstiva
    1989 L - 247K miles Slick
    1990 L - 281K miles Orphan Annie
    Let the hoarding begin!! :mrgreen:


    • #3
      yup.....pretty scary huh?
      89L Silver EFI auto
      91GL Green Auto DD
      There ain't no rest for the wicked
      until we close our eyes for good.
      I will sleep when I die!
      I'm a little hunk of tin, nobody knows what shape I'm in. I've got four wheels and a running board, I'm not a Chevy, I'M A FORD!


      • #4
        "We want to stimulate the auto industry and help to clean up the environment. Therefore we are going to impliment up to a $4500 rebate for trading in less fuel efficent vehicles on newer, cleaner, and more fuel effecient vehicles."................What the.?.?.?.?.OH, NO......where did all these people come from for the deal?!?!?!?...........DUH!!!


        • #5
          Also, the rules and guidelines were typical government - almost 140 pages of rules to follow. Did you know that the DEALER, not the junkyard, was responsible for destroying the engine in an eligible "clunker"? The dealers were complaining, and rightly so, because what happens if the deal somehow falls through (it often does); the dealer would be stuck with an old car without an engine! Anyway, if you keep an old car running well, the savings to the environment are greater than turning it in and getting a new car.
          If it has boobs or wheels, sooner or later you're going to have trouble with it.
          Mark S.


          • #6
            Here is the government rewarding irresponsible behavior AGAIN - Why should we, the taxpayers, give a hand-out to the people who bought gas guzzler? It bothers me that the government keeps rewarding bad behavior - Like people who bought houses they couldn't afford. Why is the taxes I pay going to help them? SMELLS LIKE TROUBLE!
            I don't mind helping people that need it but this is starting to be too much for the tax-payers to bear!


            • #7
              Two words, JOB SECURITY!!! If they taught these people how to act responsibly they wouldn't BE dependent on the government anymore, and we wouldn't need all the bereaucrats we have now. Instead the just keep spending more money. For example I live in a rural Montana town of 11000 people(which is good sized for Montana) and we are getting a Free Bus System with our stimulus money. I am just waiting because once that Stimulus money is gone who is going to pay for it?


              • #8
                Congress just approved 2 billion more for this program, so its back on wasting money and good used car parts.


                • #9
                  ^^ If only they could move as fast saving money as they do spending it, eh?

                  Dumb thieves go to prison, smart ones go to work for the Government.

                  1988 L - 232K miles Batstiva
                  1989 L - 247K miles Slick
                  1990 L - 281K miles Orphan Annie
                  Let the hoarding begin!! :mrgreen:


                  • #10
                    Wait till we have national health care. Cash for Clunkers never really applied to Festiva owners. The whole idea was for people to trade in there old clunkers for newer cars that get better gas mileage. Yeah right. I think the amount you got towards the purchase of the new car depended on the mileage of the old car Vs the new car. Festiva owners would probably have to pay extra. Also heard the auto salvage people were up in arms because it was going to hurt their business as the trade in were to be destroyed.
                    Last edited by freshtiva; 07-31-2009, 12:47 PM.
                    The Don - Midwest Festiva Inc., Missouri Chapter

                    Link to my festiva pictures below
                    Celebrating 25 years of festiva(s) ownership.


                    • #11
                      Went to the govt. website, and read the law. All it says is the trade in must be crushed/shredded within a time period specified by the USDOT. Apparently, everything except the engine can be parted out. The only thing is, that has to happen within what ever limited amount of time USDOT decides. No idea what the time limit is between sale-trade in, and destruction. Assuming a j/y could still pull and store whatever they wanted, as long as whatever is left is crushed within the time limit.

                      Having said all that, the whole thing just seems like a huge waste of my tax dollars, and I wonder how many of those people rushing in to trade their junkers can actually afford the payment on the new car? Let's face it, most people who drive old "clunker" drive 'em because they can't afford a car payment. Really wonder how many of the sold cars will end up being repoed in a few months?

                      Dumb thieves go to prison, smart ones go to work for the Government.

                      1988 L - 232K miles Batstiva
                      1989 L - 247K miles Slick
                      1990 L - 281K miles Orphan Annie
                      Let the hoarding begin!! :mrgreen:


                      • #12
                        i am mad, my 1991 dodge spirit and mazda 323 and 95 geo metro do not qualify


                        • #13
                          This law is bull s..... stupid, they just want people to spend more money on new cars, meaning more tax money they get, greedy...... i'll save that sentence for the arena

                          1988 323 Station Wagon - KLG4 swapped
                          1988 323 GT - B6T Powered
                          2008 Ford Escape - Rollover Survivor

                          1990 Festiva - First Ever Completed KLZE swap (SOLD)

                          If no one from the future stops you from doing it, how bad of a decision can it really be?


                          • #14
                            From cars to motorcycles, Jalopnik is your go-to site covering everything with an engine—including automotive news, buying guides, and expert commentary from our staff.

                            I want this bumper sticker. I hate this Cash for Cluckers thing so bad, so many decent cars destroyed.
                            Current cars:

                            1993 Ford Festiva 5-Speed - Festiclese III - Cousin of the Banhammer - "The Jalopnik Car"
                            1984 Toyota Cressida - 2JZGE Swap, Turbocharged.
                            2013 Mazda Mazda2 - Exhaust and Wheels (the daily)
                            2002 Toyota Tundra - V6/Auto/2WD - The Tow Vehicle.


                            • #15
                              ^^That is a good one :lol:

                              1988 323 Station Wagon - KLG4 swapped
                              1988 323 GT - B6T Powered
                              2008 Ford Escape - Rollover Survivor

                              1990 Festiva - First Ever Completed KLZE swap (SOLD)

                              If no one from the future stops you from doing it, how bad of a decision can it really be?

