Yea, I know, I just got # 2 a couple weeks ago, but I couldn't pass this up. It is a '92 GL with aluminum rims, and pretty much all the options! I saw it at a shop about a month ago on my way to the junkyard to get parts for my DD. I stopped in and left a note on it, but I never heard anything. Well, 2 days ago, the guy calls me wanting to sell it. It needs an alternator (which I will steal off of the partstiva), but other than that, it is a pretty good car. The drivers front fender and TS light have some damage, and the drivers door has a good sized dent in it, but hey, I got it pretty cheap. I am planning on picking it up tomorrow, and I will get some pictures then. My driveway is going to look great with 3 mini-circus cars in it. I live in the middle of town too, so my neighbors will get a kick out of it! I have already gotten a couple of comments about having my first, then more with the second, now with 3, who knows what I will hear...
