I have discovered that if you leave tools in the engine bay and drive off, you may get a nasty surprise!
I managed to f@$k up the alt/waterpump drivebelt today with the help of a ratchet that fell off the air filter and got jammed in the alternator pulley.
It didn't break or anything, but instead the belt twisted so that the "teeth" face sideways when they travel over the water pump pulley.
This happened 15 minutes before I had to go to work, so I had no choice but to leave things as they were. I made it there and back fine. It'll have to get me to church and back, as well as to and from work tomorrow dur to time constraints. Not good at all. Luckily I have a spare belt and tools with me.
At least I didn't do any permanent damage.

I managed to f@$k up the alt/waterpump drivebelt today with the help of a ratchet that fell off the air filter and got jammed in the alternator pulley.
It didn't break or anything, but instead the belt twisted so that the "teeth" face sideways when they travel over the water pump pulley.
This happened 15 minutes before I had to go to work, so I had no choice but to leave things as they were. I made it there and back fine. It'll have to get me to church and back, as well as to and from work tomorrow dur to time constraints. Not good at all. Luckily I have a spare belt and tools with me.
At least I didn't do any permanent damage.
