I have been tuning in the Weber carb on my Red Festy and man-o-man does this thing fly. I haven't got it all tuned in yet, just started, but what a difference from the stock feedback carb. Whoa! I thought it would get a little better, but the difference is much more than I thought it would be. :p
When I stand on the pedal, it actually moves! I can leave a burn out trail.
(bad news for my tires) It accellerates up a hill!
Other day at work, I passed a co-worker, going uphill, he asked me the next day, how fast I was going. I said, I dont know, 80? 85? He said " That little car runs really good". Man, the car was still accelerating! (not that much, but it still was) And there's more tuning to be done. I dont think it will get any faster, just smoother and more economical (if I can keep my foot out of it)
Oh, I just crossed the 200,000 mark too. Not bad for an Antique!
When I stand on the pedal, it actually moves! I can leave a burn out trail.
(bad news for my tires) It accellerates up a hill!
Other day at work, I passed a co-worker, going uphill, he asked me the next day, how fast I was going. I said, I dont know, 80? 85? He said " That little car runs really good". Man, the car was still accelerating! (not that much, but it still was) And there's more tuning to be done. I dont think it will get any faster, just smoother and more economical (if I can keep my foot out of it)
Oh, I just crossed the 200,000 mark too. Not bad for an Antique!
