The wife ran an errand on the interstate today. The roads were real slushy from the snow. When she got home I noticed this build up on her rear center caps. Weird !! Looks like ben hurs hub. Phone pic.
sigpic The Don - Midwest Festiva Inc., Missouri Chapter
Festiva: Because even my dog can build a Honda.
'90 L. B8ME/Kia Rio 5 speed. Rio/Aspire suspension swap. :-D
'81 Mustang. Inline 6, Automatic.
'95 Eagle Summit Wagon. 4G64 Powered.
I bet Marcus is saving his pennies to buy that warehouse in "Raiders of the Lost Ark." That's where he'll keep the stash of Festivas and parts he doesn't need right away. If they were still making the X Files, he'd have an episode devoted just to the legend of his cars!
I have seen that on car wheels before, kind of a wierd thing from the winter, have seen where ice sheets the whole car side in places next to the ocean or a lake too, that is a neat picture you got there !