Today I look in my rearview mirror and low and behold there's white festiva with a "for sale" sign on my tail. I've seen this car before so I know where its going.. he probably thought I was crazy. It's 92 with 115K ac, tinted windows, cloth interior, rear view wiper/defroster, alloy wheels... it may be a GL didn't have sticker on the back. It has a few rust places but the paint is still in good shape. The engine had a bad oil leak at one time but someone's fixed it and the engine is pretty clean. He wants a 1k for it, now I have to force the better half to let me buy it. I think it would be good replacement for the corroda and old yeller which has no ac and that's the only reason we haven't gotten rid of the corroda. If she doesn't want us to buy it I'll post the info in the for sale section otherwise i'll post pics.
No announcement yet.
I've found another Festiva...
Hey, if you dont get it, Im interested. Im local and can look at it whenever.sigpic
The Don - Midwest Festiva Inc., Missouri Chapter
Link to my festiva pictures below
Celebrating 25 years of festiva(s) ownership.
GET IT!!! i wish they werent so scarce around here. been needing a motor for a while for my daily driver. i dont think a thousand is bad. i paid 800 for a 90 L with 230, ac. it saved me a fortune on gas as i was driving about a hundred miles a day. btw my stepdad's sister works in the petroleum business (dont know exactly what she does) but she said gas prices are going to be around 3 bucks a gallon here by late summer. anyway...GET IT!!!!!90 L FI..second B3
90 L Parts car
Buy it !! get rid of the Corroda :lol:
The Trigger - Midwest Festiva Inc., Illinois Chapter
Smart Passion white with H-D interior
HD2500 Duramax Chevy
Harley Davidson Ultra classic ..I am in love !!
Pro Street S-10
Diamond white Deville 27,000 mile cream puff
Z28 LS1 power 500 +
90 Festy L daily driver wants to be modded, OK
It is being modded , a little at a time
Join me on Facebook !! ;
I meant if you didnt purchase it ( not that you dont understand ) I would be interested in it. Hope it works out for you.sigpic
The Don - Midwest Festiva Inc., Missouri Chapter
Link to my festiva pictures below
Celebrating 25 years of festiva(s) ownership.
Well me and her got into a big fight about it.. somehow she doesn't understand about what a find this actually is. So she's content with driving a rusted out corodda that the wheel bearings could lock up at any moment or the festiva that has seen way better days.. go figure. I'll go by tomorrow and get the address and number so pm me those that are interested... I'd rather this festiva go to a good home rather than just anybody.91 rusty Festiva 260k
Has she read anything on this forum?
What you described is a great find! I had to go clear from Sedalia, MO to Waco TX, to get the great find of mine, last summer.
Get her to read through some of the forum pages. It might help her understand just what a great car the Festiva line is, and also how hard they are becoming to find...
SBFamous Last Words: "How hard can it be?"
Festiva's sure aren't hard to find here! we've got 5 on our block alone! one red, two teal, one green (mine), and one blue. I'm sure if I drove around the city enough I'd find atleast 2 or 3 for sale.
edit : I just looked up the classifieds and found a '93 festie for 500 (CDN) firm! if only I had the money I could buy myself a parts car.'93 L Green
"Yes sweety, it is a (removed by request)box.. but it's my (removed by request)box, and I love it."
It's funny you posted that. She drove the corolla the first time in about 3 months today, we loaned it to a friend for a while. She's calls me at lunch, she trys to slide in it so I can't comment, but she's start telling me how bad the car rides handles no power the stereo sucks.. so i'll probably never get the festiva back now.. i'm sad. Somebody else already bought it on the board so I may fix up the old one with ac, let her drive the aspire in the meantime and i'll drive the corolla.. the things a man will do for love.91 rusty Festiva 260k
my brother had a 1991 festiva that needed some work and was going to sell it cheep. i got mad and gave him $200.00 and bought it from him. after fixing it and gas went to 3.20.a gallon he said that he was glad i bought it from him and kept it in the family. i use to work for an oil company and after the government told us to close two refineries in the Midwest i saw the writing on the wall about higher fuel prices.
1992 GL
Posted some pics of this car in the photo gallery under (My latest Festiva pics.)sigpic
The Don - Midwest Festiva Inc., Missouri Chapter
Link to my festiva pictures below
Celebrating 25 years of festiva(s) ownership.
Oh man... I'm new to this forum but have recently caught the Festi virus.
I'm in K.C. Mo. Where did you see this car for only a grand?! I just got my first plain 'ol 89 L for $750. Please PM me so I can ask a few Q's about local supply on parts and salvage.Tired ...Festy...!
92 gl
Welcome to the board !! Actually got this car for less then $1,000. It was filthy inside and out when I first saw it. Cleaned on it for a couple of days, it still needs more cleaning. A fellow member turned me on to it. Thanks Eric Smith! I think the owner like most people consider festivas throw away cars. I don't know why they didn't at least try to clean it up some to sell it. Intend to give it a good home and some TLC. Its now at home with my other festivas. Think I heard them partying in the garage last night!
PM sentsigpic
The Don - Midwest Festiva Inc., Missouri Chapter
Link to my festiva pictures below
Celebrating 25 years of festiva(s) ownership.
^^tell me about it.. I started wondering about my 6 Festy's when I found empty beer cans and potato chip crumbs around them in the morning. then I thought "Nah, what was I thinking?" Sure enough a week or so later it happened again... so that night I stayed up all night waiting and watching.. nothing.. I was getting really tired in the wee hours and started to dose off, when I heard what sounded like a party.. I jumped up opened the door and all 6 of my Festys were lined up like a six pack all noses pointed in with an open case of beer in the middle and a bag of chips scattered about. Now I know.. never leave them together, they will just get into trouble. Right now Zippy is on restriction because it seems he was the instigator. More news as it plays out..