OK, a jerk in a Titan ran a red light. I slammed on the brakes, and, cutting wheels to the right, jumped the curb. I was thinking if I got hit it wouldn't be a T-bone but a side swipe. He missed me. So that was all good. Rolled into the street and the car was whacky. Got into a parking lot, and found I had yanked the drivers side mount for the sway right out of the sub frame

Now, what am I to do? I don't have a welder.
I got busy. Took a piece of angle iron, and made some square "washers," then primed em to prevent rust...

Cut out a long piece of steel to go on the bottom of the frame, washers went inside the "box."
Eleven inches long if anyone is wondering.
Snatched another mount I had laying around for the last few years, and painted it up as well. Drilled a few holes in it and in the car. Added regular washers to take up gaps.

Had some hardware left over from building my trailer that came in right handy!

Had to cut an access hatch in the front side, behind the bumper cover....

Mocked it up, YEAH! I can use a ruler...

Ended up having to black tape the washers up, mocked it up, the pulled the tape out...

Assembled it all.

Pulled the drivers side axle out a couple months ago and put a new boot on it. Had a badly clicking one in there all this time, too busy to replace it. Got that swapped out.
Props to Geneva Dirt! His way of removing just the two bolts that attach the steering knuckle to the strut and rotating the knuckle worked like a charm. Done in like five minutes.
So, the test drive worked out ok, pulls to the right, I figure the alignment is shot out. I shredded a tire nursing it home, but can't find the pic right now. The setup holds solid, and I am to tired to line it up tonight, so will try tomorrow.
Anybody think this will mess with the alignment any?
OK, a jerk in a Titan ran a red light. I slammed on the brakes, and, cutting wheels to the right, jumped the curb. I was thinking if I got hit it wouldn't be a T-bone but a side swipe. He missed me. So that was all good. Rolled into the street and the car was whacky. Got into a parking lot, and found I had yanked the drivers side mount for the sway right out of the sub frame

Now, what am I to do? I don't have a welder.
I got busy. Took a piece of angle iron, and made some square "washers," then primed em to prevent rust...

Cut out a long piece of steel to go on the bottom of the frame, washers went inside the "box."
Eleven inches long if anyone is wondering.
Snatched another mount I had laying around for the last few years, and painted it up as well. Drilled a few holes in it and in the car. Added regular washers to take up gaps.

Had some hardware left over from building my trailer that came in right handy!

Had to cut an access hatch in the front side, behind the bumper cover....

Mocked it up, YEAH! I can use a ruler...

Ended up having to black tape the washers up, mocked it up, the pulled the tape out...

Assembled it all.

Pulled the drivers side axle out a couple months ago and put a new boot on it. Had a badly clicking one in there all this time, too busy to replace it. Got that swapped out.
Props to Geneva Dirt! His way of removing just the two bolts that attach the steering knuckle to the strut and rotating the knuckle worked like a charm. Done in like five minutes.
So, the test drive worked out ok, pulls to the right, I figure the alignment is shot out. I shredded a tire nursing it home, but can't find the pic right now. The setup holds solid, and I am to tired to line it up tonight, so will try tomorrow.
Anybody think this will mess with the alignment any?