Got this link from a friend, thought i'd share it with others
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Top Gear Festiva
Eh, I'm kinda excited to watch the episode. Panther and a festiva. My favorite cars.
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1988 323 Station Wagon - KLG4 swapped
1988 323 GT - B6T Powered
2008 Ford Escape - Rollover Survivor
1990 Festiva - First Ever Completed KLZE swap (SOLD)
If no one from the future stops you from doing it, how bad of a decision can it really be?
Originally posted by PhoenixSHO View PostIt would be alot nicer if this was done properly by topgear UK , with these cars.
topgear US is a big unfunny pit
No spitters were I work, you swallow it all. The Company feels if you already have it in your mouth why waste it.
Originally posted by PhoenixSHO View Posttopgear US is a big unfunny joke.
Originally posted by mr2gq View Postid give my left nutt for a new CTSV and I cant stand top gear UK all they do is bash on american cars even though theyre dusting Ferrari and porsche. They All ways have something negative to say about them no matter what
Jeremy hates Porches while Hammond loves them , thats why I love that show , they never agree on anything ... just like car guys in real life.
They have much more choice over there, and the car companies know it. My Escort handled like a foal standing on jellyfish strapped to roller skates and is slow as dirt with the auto trans. I tend to agree with them. I hate the way American cars handle.
There were some guys reviewing the new Fiesta that were amazed how well it handled and examined it to see what kind of witchery could be responsible for a "light" compact car handling so well. Might it just possibly be that it is "light" and compact? Hmm.We kinda deserve the harsh stuff about our cars. We are just beginning to get a taste of what Europe has had for decades.
And I hate USTG too. I watched the 1st season and thought I might use it to fill space between the real Top Gear seasons. Haven't seen another one since.Any difference that makes no difference is no difference.
Old Blue- New Tricks
91 Festiva FSM PDF - Dropbox
Ok your compairing apples to oranges. I haven't watch the show that many times but I only see them driving high end cars. So when they drove the ctsv SC when it first came out or the zr1 or z06 that crushes all the other line ups they compare it to, but then they have something negative to say about it. Like this corvette just dusted an out handled this Ferrari "but" it just feels so uncivilized. Lol it's like WTF. They Just can't stand an American car being better than there over priced German garbage