Hi everyone! I am a long time miata driver and have grown tired of driving my racecar to work everyday so I just bought a 93' festiva after about a year of searching and I need some advice on some repair stuff.. I bought the car with a cracked head near the driver side spark plug... oil has a little chocolate milkness to it, do i need to do a whole rebuild or just at good cleaning with a good head?
the car has 200k miles on it and is in great condition other than the head, i got the car for pretty cheap so I can spend some tax return money on it. I know very little about these cars so I am looking to you guys..and will greatly appreciate any advice you have.I would also gladly share any of my knowledge of miatas to anyone who asks, I have owned a few.
the car has 200k miles on it and is in great condition other than the head, i got the car for pretty cheap so I can spend some tax return money on it. I know very little about these cars so I am looking to you guys..and will greatly appreciate any advice you have.I would also gladly share any of my knowledge of miatas to anyone who asks, I have owned a few.