Someone who is selling VW engine parts is also advertising a "pile of oil coolers."
Did many VWs come with oil coolers? How hard would it be to add one onto a Festy/Aspire ATX? Should I buy his "pile" for $20? Would any of you be interested in getting some (VW?) oil coolers for cheap? Let's say a "pile" is at least four. I'd sell the ones I don't use for $5 plus shipping.
ASSuming they are in good shape, that is.
If the answer is "yes--go for it" my next question would be "what do I look for condition-wise?"
Did many VWs come with oil coolers? How hard would it be to add one onto a Festy/Aspire ATX? Should I buy his "pile" for $20? Would any of you be interested in getting some (VW?) oil coolers for cheap? Let's say a "pile" is at least four. I'd sell the ones I don't use for $5 plus shipping.
ASSuming they are in good shape, that is.
If the answer is "yes--go for it" my next question would be "what do I look for condition-wise?"
