Sweet! Another MO member! Body looks good on it! Don't see rust in front of the rear wheels like most have here Whats the plans for it?
-93' L BP swap/e-series, coilovers, RIO front swap, redrilled festy drums, Miata 14" 7 spokes.
-88' Mazda 323 SE, work in progress..
-85' Nissan Sentra 5 spd.
Not sure yet, the previous owner could only get it to run by pouring gas down the carb. It'll probably get fixed and set aside for a latter date. There's three of us in the local area that have been running these cars on paper routes for over 20 years. So everyone around here knows me as the festy guy. This is probably around the 40th one to be acquired over the years.
The carbys normally get swaped to efi, they usually take a beating better. 250 mile paper routes with lots of gravel. When they finally retire, I strip them clean to the bone and shelf the parts.
But the nice body ones like this one, I tend to reserve for a better life.