I do my best (and worst) thinking while driving the festy aimlessly through the back country roads so you can say the results of this posts was caused by the festiva.
I ve' done this more often than the incident I'm posting on this am. I have never told anybody because I didn't want any pats on the back . I think that if I do something nice for a complete stranger and then tell about it then it puts your intentions into play. that is why no one - not even my wife knows. my intentions on revealing it now are only to see if I can "pass it on" as it were. so here goes.
the other day I was getting wheels ballanced on the aspire and went to the local W. house for a cup. an elderly couple came in with a granddaughter (I assume) about 10 yo. you could tell they were having a little problem, with the way they were acting. the girl was obviously upset - probably nothing if you know how kids are.
anyway I saw their waitress take them their food and I called her over. I told her to bring me their bill. I paid it and told her to not say anything untill they were ready to leave. I took a napkin and wrote these words; "this is just a random act of kindness - pass it on and leave a nice tip
) the bill was $23 and I gave her $25
I don't do this everytime I eat out. I feel its the Holy Spirit leading me but for you athiests I'll say it's the little voice inside my head. LOL it just comes to me as I'm observing people sometimes. its out of the blue.
my only thought on even telling you guys is that we have members all over the US and abroad and I was thinking what if some of you in the differant locales started doing this? I heard that phrase "randon act of kindness" from someone who did something nice and was being interveiwed by a reporter and they said that everywhere you look there are random acts of violence so why not raok? so I took that and thought it over and came up with the restaurant thing.
the reason I like that is if you think about it who eats at the Waffle house? locals mixed with travelers, if its off the inerstate. what better place to spread kindness like a cancer(lol)? I figure w/in minutes of me leaving the whole place is hearing about it. where ever those people go they will tell others about the W house thing at least for a day or 2. all 3 shifts at the W'house will know about it and pass it on to the other customers and there families. 'guess what this guy did in here today, etc". thats the bigger picture I have in mind. the best places for me to do this is when I'm out of town so I can keep it anonomous.
now the old couple might have been millionairs for all I know - its up to "karma" or the Holy Spirit depending on you beliefs as to what grows from the seed of un-solicited kindness. and the warm fuzzy is always a good perk.
if any one here decides to try this I promise you the $25 will feel well spent.
or if you can come up with anything similarly differant (HEHE) tell us about it.
I only do this about 5-6 times a year at most so I ain't no big phrenologist:p
I ve' done this more often than the incident I'm posting on this am. I have never told anybody because I didn't want any pats on the back . I think that if I do something nice for a complete stranger and then tell about it then it puts your intentions into play. that is why no one - not even my wife knows. my intentions on revealing it now are only to see if I can "pass it on" as it were. so here goes.
the other day I was getting wheels ballanced on the aspire and went to the local W. house for a cup. an elderly couple came in with a granddaughter (I assume) about 10 yo. you could tell they were having a little problem, with the way they were acting. the girl was obviously upset - probably nothing if you know how kids are.
anyway I saw their waitress take them their food and I called her over. I told her to bring me their bill. I paid it and told her to not say anything untill they were ready to leave. I took a napkin and wrote these words; "this is just a random act of kindness - pass it on and leave a nice tip
I don't do this everytime I eat out. I feel its the Holy Spirit leading me but for you athiests I'll say it's the little voice inside my head. LOL it just comes to me as I'm observing people sometimes. its out of the blue.
my only thought on even telling you guys is that we have members all over the US and abroad and I was thinking what if some of you in the differant locales started doing this? I heard that phrase "randon act of kindness" from someone who did something nice and was being interveiwed by a reporter and they said that everywhere you look there are random acts of violence so why not raok? so I took that and thought it over and came up with the restaurant thing.
the reason I like that is if you think about it who eats at the Waffle house? locals mixed with travelers, if its off the inerstate. what better place to spread kindness like a cancer(lol)? I figure w/in minutes of me leaving the whole place is hearing about it. where ever those people go they will tell others about the W house thing at least for a day or 2. all 3 shifts at the W'house will know about it and pass it on to the other customers and there families. 'guess what this guy did in here today, etc". thats the bigger picture I have in mind. the best places for me to do this is when I'm out of town so I can keep it anonomous.
now the old couple might have been millionairs for all I know - its up to "karma" or the Holy Spirit depending on you beliefs as to what grows from the seed of un-solicited kindness. and the warm fuzzy is always a good perk.
if any one here decides to try this I promise you the $25 will feel well spent.
or if you can come up with anything similarly differant (HEHE) tell us about it.
I only do this about 5-6 times a year at most so I ain't no big phrenologist:p