Do you even need to soften the clutch? I always thought it was pretty soft compared to many others.
At a stop I always hold the clutch in and never shift out of gear that way my clutch leg is always strong.
Just gotta train more and it'll get softer.
pretty hard for me even though it's lubricated..the cable is in good condition..maybe the spring because it's to hard to stretch..i will try all your suggestion..thanks a lot guys
It's not the spring that makes the clutch spring pressure it is the pressure plate in the transmission.
So I wouldn't stretch it out in my opinion.
The only way theoretically to reduce the pressure needed to depress the pedal would be to lengthen the arm.
Which would increase your leverage on the fulcrum point. But the pedal would need to be depressed further to fully disengage due to the extra distance added to outside edge the arm. And if it was extended too long a full peddle depression may not disengage the clutch all the way. You would have to do some preplanning with this idea as to not go too far with the extension.
I can't imagine the clutch being any easier to depress. After driving my Mustang for a few days, I get in the Festiva and just about shove the clutch pedal through the firewall the first time I shift, LOL. Like rmoltis said, it's all in the pressure plate...if you can't push the clutch in easily then something's mechanically wrong.
Last edited by blkfordsedan; 03-05-2013, 11:50 PM.
Wow. The only clutch I've felt softer than a stock Festiva is a hydro Focus 08-11. That thing is SOFT, and has a travel of about 0.5". That and the stupid e-throttle. :evil:
Yeah, something's not right, or you have NO leg strength. No offense intended.
Any difference that makes no difference is no difference.
It's not the spring that makes the clutch spring pressure it is the pressure plate in the transmission.
So I wouldn't stretch it out in my opinion.
The only way theoretically to reduce the pressure needed to depress the pedal would be to lengthen the arm.
Which would increase your leverage on the fulcrum point. But the pedal would need to be depressed further to fully disengage due to the extra distance added to outside edge the arm. And if it was extended too long a full peddle depression may not disengage the clutch all the way. You would have to do some preplanning with this idea as to not go too far with the extension.
Good summary. I had an overly stiff clutch a few years ago and discovered that the cable was badly rusted and had frayed inside. New cable (actually a used cable and sheath out of an 01 Kia Rio) with some lubricant added, made a world of difference. Getting at the cable ends in a Rio is relatively easy but having to deal with the hook-ups under the dash of a Festy is a PITA.