...and it looks like the neighbor to my back yard has 3 Festivae sitting behind a shed... sometime next week I'm gonna go see what's up with that... Red, white, and green. If I could get a pic from my phone through my binoculars [creepy, eh?] I'd take one, but my [new] phone won't take a clear pic of them and I can't get close enough without crossing a property line... I don't know my neighbors yet.
No announcement yet.
Moved to a new place in PA...
Sounds like you moved to the right neighborhood. Better let that guy know about us if he doesn't already...or see if he'll let you have all the Festivas!
Is Gillett your new or old location? I remember seeing some posts on here from someone from Gillett. I just don't remember which name to associate with it. If it's not you, the guy may already be here.You gonna race that thing?